Our signature embodiment class for Every Body.

A Communal Flow State

is our signature class, a revolutionary movement experience that will give you direct experience with a communal flow state. Move massive physical and emotional energy and discover new dimensions of creative experience.

“What you remember when you Dance,
you’ll not be able to describe it in words,
but you will offer it to the world, through your Presence”

— Julia & Rudi

Our Movement Philosophy:
Movement is Sacred

HUMANHOOD’s practice is a movement method, but in truth, it’s much, much more than that. It is a spiritual process of fundamentally re-experiencing living in a human body.

Inspired by Julia and Rudi’s over 30 years experience as world-class dancers and choreographers as well as their research into ancient traditions such as Chi Gong, Yoga, African Dance and Meditation, HUMANHOOD’s method was initially originated as a practice to help professional dancers connect to the spiritual essence behind their dance.

Far deeper than just a choreographed set of moves, the practice follows a channeled sequence that submerges participants into trans-like states, where dance becomes the catalyst for self-realisation.

We guide you to listen to the deep, somatic rhythms inside your body and move as an expression of your own healing and transformation.

Adam Carney, Student 2024

“Truly next-level embodiment practice. This changed my life forever.”

Gedville, Student 2023

“Rudi & Julia are sharing something very special, and they hold it with the utmost integrity and clarity. I’m forever grateful to them!”